Dragon Ball Super Episode 125 Review - Animo Pad


Thursday 1 February 2018

Dragon Ball Super Episode 125 Review

    What a breathtaking episode of the awakened power of Toppo and became a "God of Destruction!" 
We witnessed the God of Destruction Toppo on full display.
We will cover episode 125 and its whole entirety. So let's not waste any more time and get right to it guys!

Goku & Vegeta fought with Jiren!

The episode started off with the continuation of the fight between "Kaioken x20 Blue" Goku, "Beyond Super Saiyan Blue" Vegeta, and Jiren. Now both Goku and Vegeta attacked Jiren with all they had and Goku developed a strategy. So Goku grabbed Jiren from behind and Vegeta unleashed his "Final Flash" blast at Jiren so he can injure him.  However, noticing the blast coming towards him, Jiren used his eyes to shield himself in time, which shocked both Goku and Vegeta.

Goku & Vegeta looked over at Jiren!

Then Jiren instantly knocked both of them through big boulders with authority. Now, of course, both Goku and Vegeta withstood it and took some time to catch their breath to gather themselves. So Vegeta told Goku, "Dammit! Even after all those attacks, he isn't even sweating." Then Goku replied with an agreement,"Yeah. That's what makes him so amazin'."

Lord Beerus congrats Gohan for his bravery!

Now Krillin was in disbelief of Jiren's unbelievable strength, but Gohan assured him that both Goku and Vegeta can still find a way to defeat him. So Krillin agrees with Gohan and believes that Goku and Vegeta can beat Jiren. Then Lord Beerus acknowledged Goku's son Gohan, not a kid anymore, and congratulated him on a job well done. With appreciation and respect, Gohan bowed before him and said, "Thank you very much."
That was a very proud moment!

Jiren emerged from the rubble!

Now both Goku and Vegeta are ready to fight Jiren again and Jiren emerged from the rubble by using his ki blast and appeared fine. So Goku and Vegeta wasted no time and went full speed ahead toward Jiren, together. 

Android 17 used his barrier to protect himself form Toppo's blasts!

Meanwhile, both Android 17 and Toppo continued with their fight and Toppo unleashed his "Justice Flash" blast at No.17. Then No.17 instantly used his barrier to protect himself from Toppo's blasts. This frustrated Toppo and he said to himself, "That pesky barrier" and chased No.17. Now noticing that there are 6 minutes left in the "Tournament of Power," No.17thought of a plan to run out the clock and develop a strategy to lure in Toppo and attack him from afar. So No.17 turned around and unleashed his multiple ki blasts at Toppo. 
Then Toppo blocked them by covering his face with his long arms and told No.17, "Do you think you can defeat me with this amount of power?!" No.17 replied, "No. But it's according to plan," and raised his ki blasts even further, which pushed Toppo back. Then the Universe 7 crowd analyzed No.17'sacks and saw that his attacks are not working, but gave No.17 an edge because of his "infinite" energy to sustain the fight. They also figured out his plan.

Toppo runs on a wall to dodge blasts!

Then Toppo starts to struggle a bit and began to see the blasts very carefully in slow motion so he can see an opening. Once Toppo saw an opening, he found a way and got out of the blasts and starts running on the wall, while No.17 starts aiming his ki blasts at him. Then Toppo jumped down toward No.17 to attack him from above and No.17 escaped quickly.

Both Android 17 & Toppo's blasts collided!

Suddenly, Toppo powered up and told No.17, "I shall now fire at you!" and unleashed a huge ki blast at No.17. Now, No.17 also unleashed a huge ki blast of his own and matched up to Toppo's ki blast and both of their blasts collided with each other.
Now, this is a real battle!
Then Toppo raised his ki blast further and has the upper hand, pushing No.17 towards the edge of the stage.

Golden Freeza intervened and saved No.17 from elimination!

As soon as Toppo was about to knock off No.17 for good, Freeza decided to intervene and used his laser beam on Toppo's back. No.17 capitalized on the opening and raised his ki blast and pushed Toppo back. This shocked Toppo and he realized that he is cornered. Then Toppo looked back and notice that it was Freeza who attacked him from behind and said, "You." 

Freeza unleashed an array of laser blasts on Toppo's back!

Then Freeza was pleased with what he did with an evil laugh and told No.17, "Are you still playing around, No.17-san? You're playing a little too much." Then Freeza landed on the ground and positioned himself to join the fight and continued, "Pardon me for coming at a bad time," and used his laser beam at Toppo's back again, which hurt Toppo. So Freeza starts to torture Toppo with an onslaught of laser beams on Toppo's back and No.17 raised his blast even further and pushed Toppo back.
Toppo is struggling greatly and is in a very bad situation, to the point where he cannot escape. Toppo is trying his best to withstand their onslaught and Freeza decided to end Toppo and began to unleash his devastating blast, which made Toppo very afraid and told him, "Goodbye Mr. Warrior of Justice!" and unleashed his blast on Toppo. Together with No.17'sst, it overwhelmed him and Toppo got severely injured from their devastating blasts.

Toppo is severely injured!

Now, some of the Universe 7 spectators assumed that Toppo was defeated, but Whis caught on and told them that he is "not defeated yet," which shocked them. Then Toppo stood for a little bit and stumbled. So Freeza appeared in front of him and starts to provoke him and insult him, saying "Trash belongs in a trash bin."
How cruel and disrespectful for Freeza to treat Toppo that way!
Freeza will have a rude awakening coming up.

Something strange is happening to Toppo's body!

Then Toppo starts to get up slowly, which intrigued Freeza and Toppo's uniform is torn to shreds and stood up in front of Freeza's face. 
It is going to get serious guys!
Freeza still provoked Toppo and Toppo has had enough and said, "Justice... is worthless now. I've made up my mind."
Then, something strange starts to happen to his body. This surprised Freeza. 

Jiren stopped the fight and sensed that Toppo made up his mind!

Even Jiren stopped the fight and sensed his ally becoming a God of Destruction and said to himself, "So, you've made up your mind, Toppo." Goku sensed a "massive energy" and wondered who could it be.

Vermoud (Universe 11's God of Destruction)

Then Universe 7's God of Destruction Beerus and Supreme Kai noticed Toppo's "purple" aura as "identical to a god's like energy" and Universe 11's God of Destruction Vermoud was pleased and said to himself, "Now's the time to show them that power."
I cannot believe this is happening guys!
Toppo is actually transforming!
While Toppo is undergoing his new transformation to become a God of Destruction, multiple lighting strikes began to appear and struck the stage and his overwhelming power is growing tremendously. 

Toppo releasing all of his energy!

Now Freeza wants to see Toppo's complete transformation and Toppo released all of his energy to complete his God transformation.

God of Destruction Toppo is born!

At last.
Toppo finally completed his transformation and became a God of Destruction. Toppo continued to raise his power and No.17 sensed it. Now, the symbol on his chest is a sign of a "destruction," which means it can be dangerous.
Both of Universe 11's God of Destruction and Supreme Kai were very pleased with Toppo's  God transformation and said, "From here on, a true fight for survival."
I hope both Freeza and No.17 is ready to fight God of Destruction Toppo.
I do not think they stand a chance anymore.

Freeza tests out his blast and it vanished!

Now Freeza wants to test out his blast at Toppo and unleashed his laser beam directly at him, which disappeared into ashes. This definitely shocked both Freeza and No.17. Recognizing Toppo's new God form, Lord Beerus stood up and said, "it's destruction." Beerus' words shocked the entire Universe 7 crowd and both of Universe 11's God of Destruction and Supreme Kai revealed that Toppo's new God form "belong to only Gods of Destruction! And Toppo is... a candidate to be our Universe 11's God of Destruction!"
The words of Vermoud and the Supreme Kai shocked Universe 7 to their core and Vermoud revealed more and said, "Having made up his mind, Toppo is no different from a God of Destruction. Indeed! It's the birth of God of Destruction, Toppo!"
It is time to witness the overwhelming power of God of Destruction Toppo!

God of Destruction Toppo unleashed a "Hakai" destructive ball!

Now, of course, Freeza does not seem fazed by Toppo's new God form and out of nowhere, Toppo unleashed a dangerous Hakai destruction energy ball and said, "Destroy." Freeza stood his ground and remembered when he controlled the Hakai energy ball and was able to withstand it, so he thought this would be a piece of cake and use only one hand. 

Freeza is consumed by the Hakai energy ball!

However, the Hakai energy ball starts to consume Freeza slowly and he began to struggle, saying "it is meaningless to me." He kept saying that until the Hakai energy ball instantly grew larger and overwhelmed Freeza, to a point where he got consumed. The destructive ball dispersed and the energy wave began to explode everywhere with a lot of force and it raged like a thunderstorm. Everyone covered their faces because of the intensity of the winds. 

The sky color changed!

Then when the energy wave died down, Krillin looked up and the sky color changed
It is not over yet guys!
Then suddenly, everyone felt a shake beneath them and because the Hakai destructive ball was so powerful, it split the tournament stage in half and broke it. This amazed the Omni-Kings and they said, "Amazing! Crack!" 
They sure know how to have a good time.

Android 17's barrier cracked!

So Goku, Vegeta, and Jiren landed on top of the rocks in mid-air and looked over where Toppo to see what he will do next. Then Toppo appeared and told No.17, "Come out. I know you're there." No.17 was impressed how Toppo went all out. So Toppo replied, "Justice and evil. I'm beyond that now. All that matters now is winning and survival." Then Toppo wasted no time and unleashed his "Justice Flash" at No.17. Now, of course, No.17 used his barrier for protection and thought Toppo's blasts would not affect his barrier.
Now seeing his barrier starting to create multiple cracks, No.17 broke free quickly and flew in mid-air and told himself that Toppo's "normal ki waves are unbelievably more powerful." 

God of Destruction Toppo went through Android 17's blasts with ease!

Then Toppo told No,17, "You won't escape" and flew in full speed toward him, while No.17 unleashed an array of his ki blasts at Toppo. Now for some reason, Toppo went through No.17'sblasts with ease and shocked No.17. So sensing Toppo approaching him, No.17 ran away, but Toppo caught up to him and knocked him down. This worried the Universe 7 crowd and the reason why No.17'sacks are not working anymore is because Toppo is in his "destruction" form. 
Now Lord Beerus revealed about Toppo's destruction form and said, "Depending on the situation, he can surround himself with Energy of Destruction." This makes a lot of sense.
So No.17 or any of the remaining fighters of Universe cannot attack him directly!

God of Destruction Toppo is standing still while blasts are hitting him!

Now No.17 looks like he is not giving up any time soon and wants to figure out Toppo's weakness. So he got up and his array of speed all around Toppo to confuse him and unleashed multiple ki blasts in every corner at Toppo. Toppo is standing still and is not affected by the blasts. Then No.17came down and unleashed a huge ki blast at Toppo, which does not affect Toppo at all. Then Toppo said, "How futile." 
Then Toppo had enough and began to unleash his destruction power. Upon witnessing this, Beerus warned No.17 about Toppo's destruction power coming towards him and No.17 escaped and flew in mid-air to safety. 
Toppo was not done yet!

God of Destruction Toppo wrecks havoc around him!

Toppo unleashed another Hakai destructive ball at No.17 and the energy ball looked like it was coming towards Universe 7, which got all of them scared. Beerus assured them that it is not coming toward them and the were relieved. Then Toppo chased No.17 around and unleashed his "Justice Flash" blast at him and No.17 escaped quickly. Now, Toppo's huge blast destroyed a large amount of rocks aorund No.17 into pieces, causing a lot of damage around him.
There is only one rock remaining and No.17 is on it. So noticing the end of No.17, Toppo proclaimed, "There's no place for you to run. I will end it here."

Freeza emerged and saved Android 17!

Now, as soon as Toppo was going to unleash his destructive Hakai ball at No.17, a huge rock appeared out of nowhere and it threw at Toppo's Hakai destructive ball and stopped it. The person who threw the rock was none other than Freeza, who looked severely injured and saved his ally from elimination. So Toppo was impressed that Freeza withstood his Hakai destructive ball and had enough of Toppo.

God of Destruction Toppo created a small Hakai ball!

Now, Freeza told Toppo, "I'll destroy you just like your title implies!" Then Toppo wants Freeza to give him everything he have, which pissed Freeza off. So Freeza wasted no time and began to unleash his own destructive ball that he used to destroy planets. The destructive ball grew larger and Freeza told Toppo, "I'll destroy you!" So Freeza unleashed his devastating maneuver at Toppo head on and suddenly, Toppo countered by creating a small destructive ball with his hand and flicked it toward Freeza's destructive ball and disappeared it with ease.

Freeza got punched in the stomach badly!

This completely shocked Freeza and instantly, Toppo rushed toward him and landed a devastating punch deep into Freeza's gut, which left Freeza in a lot of pain. Then Topp grabbed Freeza's head and run him through huge boulders with such power and velocity. 

Freeza has met his end!

Then Toppo picked up Freeza by the head and told him, "I could easily destroy you right here, but I'd be disqualified," and squeezed Freeza's head tightly, while Freeza screamed in agony. 
Toppo is actually enjoying this. He is torturing Freeza and treating him like trash. 
Then Toppo squeezed Freeza's head even tighter and remembered what Freeza told him when he was severely injured and told him, "Trash belongs in the trash bin, wasn't it?" 
Toppo turned the tables on Freeza and it was his turn to torture him for once.

Freeza is exhausted!

Then Toppo dropped Freeza on the ground and kicked him in the air and treated him like trash. As Freeza was about to get eliminated, No.17 saved him by kicking him on the stage. Then Freeza rolled over and looked exhausted. 

What happens next?!

Now No.17 wants to fight Toppo again and Toppo turned his attention to him. Then No.17 instantly fire his ki blast at Toppo, which disappeared. Toppo praised No.17 for "surviving this far, but try as you will, it's pointless." Then No.17 replied with confidence, "it's not over yet," and powered up. Then No.17 began to unleash a huge ki blast. Toppo sensed that No.7 is not going to back down and began to unleash his destructive ball and is ready to his fight with No.17.
In the fight, Toppo awakened his power as a God of Destruction. That power overwhelmed Freeza and is far beyond No.17's
Does No.17 stand a chance against this powerful enemy?
The Tournament of Power is in it's final phase.
The remaining time is 5 minutes!

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